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UPDATED 6/4/2021 - I re-wrote the codebase for this to be much simpler and easier to read, and in addition fixed some bugs in my old DEFLATE implementation related to sliding window boundaries

This is an implementation of the LZSS algorithm also known as DEFLATE. Enter text in the top box, and click COMPRESS to compress it into the next box. Click DECOMPRESS to decompress it into the bottom-most textbox.

Check the checkbox to show the code.
/* * LZSS/LZ77 * Ryan DeYong 6-2-2021 * This is an LZSS implementation in JavaScript */ // the sliding window is used to search for repeated strings in a data stream // the size defines how far back can be searched for the common data // even on modern hardware, there are benefits to limiting this // mainly that the offets and lengths don't grow large on large data sets and ruin the point of compression by creating larger files const sliding_window_sz = 1024; // this function takes in a string and compresses it, and returns that compressed string // it can handle full unicode, it cannot handle having square brackets present in the data stream however // because it uses square brackets to indicate compressed text in human readable form function compressText(str) { // compress // sliding window, matching string, and output string let sw = ''; let match = ''; let strout = ''; // this loops through each character of the input string for(let i = 0;i < str.length;i++) { // this piggybacks off the built in JavaScript function 'includes' to find matches // on first run, match is '' and sw is '', so adding str[i] will make this always fail first run // the reason I do this is because after the first run it will always check the previous character against the next character // which is how I find matches in the sliding window if(sw.includes(match + str[i])) { match += str[i]; continue; } // this code simply generates a string for if a match were to occur // i do this because if the generated human-readable string with square brackets // ends up being bigger than what it's trying to compress, there's no use making the // replacement let len = match.length; let pos = sw.indexOf(match); // the position and length are stored in radix 36 to save space on human readable compression let new_str = `[${pos.toString(36)},${len.toString(36)}]`; // this is testing whether it's worthwhile to replace the matched string with the compressed replacement if(match.length >= new_str.length) { strout += new_str; } else { // otherwise do not replace the matched string // i do this because if I don't rewind the matches then the partial match is discarded and won't be used in the next match search // which can hurt compression level although it is slower to rewind the stream if(match.length > 0) { // if you don't have this, on a 0 length match it will push i forwards which is not good behavior (minus a negative) i -= (match.length - 1); // this works because i = match.length before this, since i is always ahead of the match // so as a result subtracting the length minus 1 guarantees a proper rewind of i to 1 character after the match } // this sets match to the first character of itself // i use slice because if match is empty it returns an empty string // if i were to use square bracket array selection it would return UNDEFINED for an empty match match = match.slice(0, 1); // finally add the 1 character to the output string strout += match; } // i do the match manipulation up there because then I can use the same sw code here for either if statement result sw += match; while(sw.length > sliding_window_sz) { // this shifts off characters at the beginning of the sliding window if it's grown too big sw = sw.substr(1); } // finally set match to the current character in the for loop, at the end of the loop so that it's the previous character on the next cycle match = str[i]; } // this is the same as above, just repeating some things for if there's any characters left over in the buffer let len = match.length; let pos = sw.indexOf(match); let new_str = `[${pos.toString(36)},${len.toString(36)}]`; if(match.length >= new_str.length) { strout += new_str; } else { // this part is different because there doesn't need to be rewinding at the end of the data stream strout += match; } return strout; } // this is a decompression function for my sliding window compression // it takes in a compressed string and returns a decompressed output // the string ideally needs to have matching square brackets or weird results can occur function decompressText(str) { // decompress // sliding window and decompression output string let sw = ''; let dcmpr = ''; // go through every character of the compressed string for(let i = 0;i < str.length;i++) { // look for square brackets if(str[i] == '[') { // if there's a square bracket, extract chars until the ending bracket let vals = ''; i++; while(str[i] != ']' && i < str.length) { vals += str[i]; i++; } // use the gathered characters to get the values let splt = vals.split(','); // the position and length are stored in radix 36 to save space on human readable compression let pos = parseInt(splt[0], 36); let len = parseInt(splt[1], 36); // this uses the position and length to get the requested characters out of the sliding window let str_chunk = sw.substr(pos, len); // throw the decompressed data into the sliding window because it may be used later for further decompression sw += str_chunk; // slide the sliding window while(sw.length > sliding_window_sz) { sw = sw.substr(1); } // add the decompressed data to the decompressed string variable dcmpr += str_chunk; } else { // there is no compression here // if there's no square bracket simply build out the sliding window sw += str[i]; while(sw.length > sliding_window_sz) { sw = sw.substr(1); } // and the decompressed string dcmpr += str[i]; } } return dcmpr; } function compressButton() { let the_text = document.getElementById('in').value; let comp_text = compressText(the_text); document.getElementById('comp').value = comp_text; let ratio = comp_text.length / the_text.length; document.getElementById('ratio').innerText = `compression ratio: ${ratio.toFixed(3) * 100}%`; } function decompressButton() { let the_text = document.getElementById('comp').value; let decomp_text = decompressText(the_text); document.getElementById('decomp').value = decomp_text; console.assert(decomp_text == document.getElementById('in').value, 'decompression from the compressed string failed'); }

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