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This is a ray-tracing algorithm written in TypeScript that draws several spheres with some diffuse lighting and shadows.

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// trace.ts
/// <reference path='trace_gfx.ts'/>
/// <reference path='3d_prim.ts'/>
/// <reference path='math_3d.ts'/>
/// <reference path='lighting.ts'/>

// create the graphics context
let canvas : any = document.getElementById("drawCanvas");

let g : Graphics = new Graphics(canvas, 256, 256);

// define the spheres
let sphereArray : Sphere[] = [
new Sphere(new Vector3(-4 * Math.random() + 2, 1 * Math.random(), 4 * Math.random() + 1), 1, new Vector3(255, 255, 0), 500),
new Sphere(new Vector3(-4 * Math.random() + 2, 1 * Math.random(), 4 * Math.random() + 1), 1, new Vector3(255, 0, 255), 500),
new Sphere(new Vector3(-4 * Math.random() + 2, 1 * Math.random(), 4 * Math.random() + 1), 1, new Vector3(0, 255, 255), 10),
new Sphere(new Vector3(0, -5001, 0), 5000, new Vector3(230, 230, 230), 1000),

// define the scene lights
let lightArray : Light[] = [
new Light(LIGHT_TYPE.AMBIENT, 0.2),
new Light(LIGHT_TYPE.POINT, 0.6, new Vector3(2, 1, 0)),
new Light(LIGHT_TYPE.DIRECTIONAL, 0.2, undefined, new Vector3(1, 4, 4))

// define camera pos and other stuff
let camera : Vector3 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); // camera is at the origin

for(let x : number = -g.w / 2;x < g.w / 2;x++) {
	for(let y : number = -g.h / 2;y < g.h / 2;y++) {
		let hit : Ray_Result = Math_3D.IntersectAllSpheres(camera, new Vector3(x / g.w, -y / g.h, 1), sphereArray);
		if(hit.sphere != undefined) {
			let ray_dir = Math_3D.UnitVector(new Vector3(x / g.w, -y / g.h, 1));
			let light_index : number = Lighting.CalcLighting(hit.hit_point, hit.hit_normal, new Vector3(-ray_dir.x, -ray_dir.y, -ray_dir.z), lightArray, hit.sphere.specular, sphereArray);
			g.putPixel(new Vector2(x + g.w / 2, y + g.w / 2), new Vector3(hit.sphere.color.x * light_index, hit.sphere.color.y * light_index, hit.sphere.color.z * light_index));
		} else {
			g.putPixel(new Vector2(x + g.w / 2, y + g.w / 2), new Vector3(0, 0, 255));

// 3d_prim.ts
/// <reference path='trace_gfx.ts'/>

* Holds 3D object primitives

* Structure to hold a sphere
class Sphere {
		public center : Vector3,
		public radius : number,
		public color : Vector3,
		public specular : number
	) {}
// lighting.ts
/// <reference path='trace_gfx.ts'/>
/// <reference path='math_3d.ts'/>

* Holds lighting information

* enum to hold light types


* Structure to hold lights
class Light {
		public type : LIGHT_TYPE,
		public intensity : number,
		public position? : Vector3,
		public direction? : Vector3
	) {}

class Lighting {
	public static CalcLighting(P : Vector3, N : Vector3, V : Vector3, lights : Light[], s : number, sphereArray : Sphere[]) : number {
		let i : number = 0;
		for(let l : number = 0;l < lights.length;l++) {
			let li : Light = lights[l];
			if(li.type == LIGHT_TYPE.AMBIENT) {
				i += li.intensity;
			} else {
				let L : Vector3 = undefined;
				if(li.type == LIGHT_TYPE.POINT) {
					L = Math_3D.SubtractVectors(li.position, P);
				} else {
					L = li.direction;
				let new_l : Vector3 = Math_3D.AddVectors(L, N);
				// shadows
				let hit : Ray_Result = Math_3D.IntersectAllSpheres(P, new_l, sphereArray);
				if(hit.sphere != undefined) {
				// diffuse lighting
				let n_dot_l : number = Math_3D.DotProduct(N, L);
				if(n_dot_l > 0) {
					i += li.intensity * n_dot_l / (Math_3D.VectorMagnitude(N) * Math_3D.VectorMagnitude(L));
				// specular lighting
				if(s != -1) {
					let R1 : Vector3 = Math_3D.MultiplyVector(N, 2);
					let R2 : number = Math_3D.DotProduct(N, L);
					let R3 : Vector3 = Math_3D.MultiplyVector(R1, R2);
					let R4 : Vector3 = Math_3D.SubtractVectors(R3, L);
					let r_dot_v : number = Math_3D.DotProduct(R4, V);
					if(r_dot_v > 0) {
						i += li.intensity * Math.pow(r_dot_v / (Math_3D.VectorMagnitude(R4) * Math_3D.VectorMagnitude(V)), s);
		return i;
// math_3d.ts
/// <reference path='trace_gfx.ts'/>
/// <reference path='3d_prim.ts'/>

* Holds the functions for doing 3D math

interface Ray_Result {
	sphere : Sphere;
	distance : number;
	hit_point : Vector3;
	hit_normal : Vector3;

class Math_3D {
	* Add 2 3D vectors
	* Returns a Vector3 result
	public static AddVectors(V1 : Vector3, V2 : Vector3) : Vector3 {
		let a1 : number[] = [V1.x, V1.y, V1.z];
		let a2 : number[] = [V2.x, V2.y, V2.z];
		let result : number[] =, index) {
			return item + a2[index];
		return new Vector3(result[0], result[1], result[2]);
	* Subtract 2 3D vectors
	* Returns a Vector3 result
	public static SubtractVectors(V1 : Vector3, V2 : Vector3) : Vector3 {
		let a1 : number[] = [V1.x, V1.y, V1.z];
		let a2 : number[] = [V2.x, V2.y, V2.z];
		let result : number[] =, index) {
			return item - a2[index];
		return new Vector3(result[0], result[1], result[2]);
	* Gets the dot product of 2 3D vectors
	* Returns a scalar result
	public static DotProduct(V1 : Vector3, V2 : Vector3) : number {
		return V1.x * V2.x + V1.y * V2.y + V1.z * V2.z;
	* Gets the cross product of 2 3D vectors
	* Returns a Vector3 result
	public static CrossProduct(V1 : Vector3, V2 : Vector3) : Vector3 {
		let cx : number = V1.y * V2.z - V1.z * V2.y;
		let cy : number = V1.z * V2.x - V1.x * V2.z;
		let cz : number = V1.x * V2.y - V1.y * V2.x;
		return new Vector3(cx, cy, cz);
	* Gets the magnitude of a 3D vector
	* Returns a scalar result
	public static VectorMagnitude(V : Vector3) : number {
		return Math.sqrt(V.x * V.x + V.y * V.y + V.z * V.z);
	* Gets the result of a vector multiplied by a number
	* Returns a Vector3 result
	public static MultiplyVector(V : Vector3, N : number) : Vector3 {
		return new Vector3(V.x * N, V.y * N, V.z * N);
	* Gets the result of a vector divided by a number
	* Returns a Vector3 result
	public static DivideVector(V : Vector3, N : number) : Vector3 {
		return new Vector3(V.x / N, V.y / N, V.z / N);
	* Gets the unit vector that represents a 3D vector
	* Returns a Vector3 result
	public static UnitVector(V : Vector3) : Vector3 {
		return Math_3D.DivideVector(V, Math_3D.VectorMagnitude(V));
	* Returns the absolute value of a vector
	public static AbsVector(V : Vector3) : Vector3 {
		return new Vector3(Math.abs(V.x), Math.abs(V.y), Math.abs(V.z));
	* Cast a ray to attempt to intersect with a sphere from start to end
	public static IntersectRaySphere(o : Vector3, lnn : Vector3, sphere : Sphere) : number {
		let l : Vector3 = Math_3D.UnitVector(lnn); // normalized ray direction
		let c : Vector3 =;
		let r : number = sphere.radius;
		// part 1
		// -(l DOT (o - c))
		let oc : Vector3 = Math_3D.SubtractVectors(o, c); // o - c
		let ld : number = Math_3D.DotProduct(l, oc); // l DOT (o - c)
		let ldn : number = -ld; // -(l DOT (o - c))
		// part 2
		// number under radical
		let lds : number = ld * ld; // ld^2
		let mag : number = Math_3D.VectorMagnitude(oc); // || o - c ||
		mag = mag * mag;
		let result : number = lds - mag + r * r;
		let sq : number = Math.sqrt(result);
		let r1 : number = ldn - sq;
		let r2 : number = ldn + sq;
		if(r1 < r2) {
			return r1;
		} else {
			return r2;
	* Check all passed spheres for collision
	public static IntersectAllSpheres(o : Vector3, lnn : Vector3, sphereArray : Sphere[]) : Ray_Result {
		let l : Vector3 = Math_3D.UnitVector(lnn); // normalized ray direction
		// holds ending information
		let sphere : Sphere = undefined;
		let distance : number = 999;
		for(let i : number = 0;i < sphereArray.length;i++) {
			let t_dist : number = Math_3D.IntersectRaySphere(o, lnn, sphereArray[i]);
			if(distance > t_dist && t_dist >= 0) {
				distance = t_dist;
				sphere = sphereArray[i];
		if(sphere != undefined) {
			let P : Vector3 = Math_3D.AddVectors(o, Math_3D.MultiplyVector(l, distance)); // compute hit pos
			let N : Vector3 = Math_3D.SubtractVectors(P, // compute sphere normal
			let NORM : Vector3 = Math_3D.UnitVector(N); // gets the normalized normal
			return {sphere: sphere, distance: distance, hit_point: P, hit_normal: NORM};
		return {sphere: sphere, distance: distance, hit_point: undefined, hit_normal: undefined};
 // trace_gfx.ts
* General purpose graphics library

* Structure to hold a 2D vector
class Vector2 {
		public x : number,
		public y : number
	) {}

* Structure to hold a 3D vector
class Vector3 {
		public x : number,
		public y : number,
		public z : number
	) {}

* Class that controls graphical output
class Graphics {
	private ctx : any;
	private buf8 : any;
	private imageData : any;
	constructor(canvas : any, public w : number, public h : number) {
		canvas.width = w;
		canvas.height = h;
		this.ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
		this.imageData = this.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, w, h); // get the image data in the canvas
		// now put the bytes into an off-screen buffer
		let buf : any = new ArrayBuffer(;
		this.buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(buf);
	* Put a pixel into our int buffer
	putPixel(pos : Vector2, color : Vector3) : void {
		let offset : number = (pos.y * this.w + pos.x) * 4; // offset for pixels, 32-bit RGBA
		this.buf8[offset + 3] = 255; // alpha
		this.buf8[offset] = color.x; // red
		this.buf8[offset + 1] = color.y; // green
		this.buf8[offset + 2] = color.z; // blue
	* Show the graphics buffer after drawing
	showBuffer() : void {;
		this.ctx.putImageData(this.imageData, 0, 0);

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Voicemail box #: +14408478142

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